This script is meant to be ran on a Scheduled task. It will grab a list of all DPs in your environment, and check each with a ping. If a DP is not responsive after 3 pings (with a 30 second delay in between to allow for reboots, etc.), the script places the DP into maintenance mode. After checking for DPs to be placed into maintenance mode, the script will check all DPs that were in maintenance mode prior to running to see if they are online and disable maintenance mode if they respond. The last part of the script emails out a notification of maintenance mode changes. If no changes are made to maintenance mode status for any DP, no report is sent.
You will need to set this up to run as a service account with the appropriate ConfigMgr access. If using internal exchange for email, you will also need to make sure the service account you use has an email address set up and that the account has access to use the SMTP server. You can also modify it to use o365 - much code out there on the web for that part so won't cover it here (at least not for now).
Happy Admining!
The function that actually does the enable/disable maintenance mode piece is based on the works of @CodyMathis123 over at, huge shout out!
################################################################################ # Automate-MaintenanceMode.ps1 # Auto Detect DP online status and set Maintenance Mode accordingly # Author: Sean Huggans # Version: "" ################################################################################ # Script Variables ######################################## $SiteCode = "FOO" # Site code $ProviderMachineName = "" # SMS Provider machine name [string[]]$SkipNames = "PRIMARY","PRIM","MP","CMG" # Add any other name patterns you want to be excluded from the scheduled task # Email: $Script:FromAddress = "" # Address of the service account you are sending emails from $Script:ToAddress = "" # Address to send report of results to when finished #$Script:CCAddress = "" # CC Addresses for build/ Reports $Script:SMTPServer= "" #SMTP server address # Logging: $LogFile = "Detect-MaintenanceModeChanges.log" $LogDir = "C:\Environment Maintenance\Logs" # Adjust accordingly #################################################################### # Do not change ###################### $LogPath = "$($LogDir)\$($LogFile)" $initParams = @{} if((Get-Module ConfigurationManager) -eq $null) { Import-Module "$($ENV:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH)\..\ConfigurationManager.psd1" @initParams } if((Get-PSDrive -Name $SiteCode -PSProvider CMSite -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) { New-PSDrive -Name $SiteCode -PSProvider CMSite -Root $ProviderMachineName @initParams } Set-Location "$($SiteCode):\" @initParams ######################################## # Script Functions ######################################## function Log-Action ($Message, $StampDateTime, $WriteHost) { ################################ # Function Version # Function by Sean Huggans ################################ New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $LogDir -Confirm:$false -Force | out-null if (($StampDateTime -eq $false) -or ($StampDateTime -eq "no")) { $Message | Out-File $LogPath -Append } else { "[ $(get-date -Format 'yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss') ] $($Message)" | Out-File $LogPath -Append } if ($WriteHost -eq $true) { Log-Action -Message $Message } } function Maintain-Logs { # Truncate Log if over 5,000KB if ((Get-Item $LogPath).length -gt 5000kb) { $ArchiveStamp = "-Archived-$(get-date -Format "yyyyMMddhhmmss")" $ArchivedLogName = "$($LogDir)\Archived\$($LogFile.Replace('.log',''))$ArchiveStamp.log" $TryCount = 5 $Moved = $false do { try { Move-Item -Path $LogPath -Destination $ArchivedLogName -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop Log-Action -Message "This Log has been truncated. Messages from the previous truncation can be found at $ArchivedLogName" $Moved = $true } catch { Write-Host $ArchivedLogName Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 } $TryCount -= 1 } until (($TryCount -le 0) -or ($Moved -eq $true)) } #Check for Logs Older than 4 weeks and delete them } function Set-SHCMDPMaintenanceMode ($DP, $MaintModeState) { #Based on the works of Cody Mathis @ $RemoteResult = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ProviderMachineName -ScriptBlock { param ($DP, $MaintModeState, $SiteCode) if ($DP.NALPath) { if ($MaintModeState -eq "Enabled") { $WMISplat = @{ ClassName = 'SMS_DistributionPointInfo' Namespace = "root\sms\site_$($SiteCode)" MethodName = 'SetDPMaintenanceMode' Arguments = @{ NALPath = $DP.NALPath Mode = [uint32]1 } } } else { $WMISplat = @{ ClassName = 'SMS_DistributionPointInfo' Namespace = "root\sms\site_$($SiteCode)" MethodName = 'SetDPMaintenanceMode' Arguments = @{ NALPath = $DP.NALPath Mode = [uint32]0 } } } $result = $(Invoke-CimMethod @WMISplat).ReturnValue return $result } else { return 404 } } -ArgumentList $DP, $MaintModeState, $SiteCode return $RemoteResult } ######################################## # Script Execution Logic ######################################## Maintain-Logs Log-Action -Message "==============================================================================" Log-Action -Message "Gathering Distribution Point Data" $DPs = Get-CMDistributionPoint Log-Action -Message "Flushing DNS cache before checking DP statuses..." Clear-DnsClientCache Log-Action "Provider machine name is $($ProviderMachineName), checking connectivity..." if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $ProviderMachineName -Count 4 -Quiet) { Log-Action -Message "$($ProviderMachineName) is online, Checking DP statuses..." $DPsPlacedIntoMaintenanceMode = New-Object system.collections.arraylist $DPsRemovedFromMaintenanceMode = New-Object system.collections.arraylist $DPswithFailedStateChanges = New-Object system.collections.arraylist $CountTicker = 0 foreach ($DP in $DPs) { $CountTicker += 1 $DPName = $DP.NALPath.split("\")[2].ToUpper() Log-Action -Message "Checking DP: $($DPName) ($($CountTicker)/$($DPs.Count) - $([math]::Round($($($CountTicker) / $($DPs.Count) * 100), 2))%)" $NamePassesCheck = $true foreach ($SkipName in $SkipNames) { if ($DPName -like "*$($SkipName)*") { $NamePassesCheck = $false } } if ($NamePassesCheck -eq $true) { $MaintenanceModeStatus = $(Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $ProviderMachineName -Namespace "root\sms\site_$($SiteCode)" -Class "SMS_DistributionPointInfo" -Filter "name = '$($DPName)'").MaintenanceMode if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $DPName -Count 2 -Quiet) { $OnlineStatus = "Online" } else { $OnlineStatus = "Offline" } switch ($MaintenanceModeStatus) { 0 { Log-Action -Message "$($DPName): $($OnlineStatus), Not currently in maintenance Mode." if ($OnlineStatus -eq "Online") { Log-Action -Message " - Host is currently online, leaving DP out of maintenance mode." } else { Log-Action -Message " - Initial attempt to ping this DP has failed, waiting 30 seconds and trying again..." Start-Sleep -Seconds 30 if (!(Test-Connection -ComputerName $DPName -Count 2 -Quiet)) { Log-Action -Message " - Host is not reachable after two consecutive attempts, waiting 30 seconds and trying again..." Start-Sleep -Seconds 30 if (!(Test-Connection -ComputerName $DPName -Count 2 -Quiet)) { Log-Action -Message " - Host is not reachable after three consecutive attempts, enabling maintenance mode..." Try { # Enable Maintenance Mode Set-SHCMDPMaintenanceMode -DP $DP -MaintModeState "Enabled" $DPsPlacedIntoMaintenanceMode.Add($DPName) | Out-Null Log-Action -Message " - Successfully placed DP into maintenance Mode." } catch { Log-Action -Message " - Error: Failed to place DP into maintenance mode!" $DPswithFailedStateChanges.Add($DPName) | Out-Null } } else { Log-Action -Message " - Host is currently online, leaving DP out of maintenance mode." } } else { Log-Action -Message " - Host is currently online, leaving DP out of maintenance mode." } } } 1 { Log-Action -Message "$($DPName): $($OnlineStatus), Currently in maintenance Mode." if ($OnlineStatus -eq "Online") { Log-Action -Message " - Host is currently online, disabling maintenance mode..." Try { # Disable Maintenance Mode Set-SHCMDPMaintenanceMode -DP $DP -MaintModeState "Disabled" $DPsRemovedFromMaintenanceMode.Add($DPName) | Out-Null Log-Action -Message " - Successfully removed DP from Maintenance Mode." } catch { Log-Action -Message " - Error: Failed to remove DP from maintenance mode!" $DPswithFailedStateChanges.Add($DPName) | Out-Null } } else { Log-Action -Message " - Host is not currently online, leaving DP in maintenance mode." } } } } else { Log-Action -Message "$($DPName): DP name is excluded from maintenance mode auto-maintenance." } } # Send email if necessary $HTMLString = "<html><body><h1 align=""center"">Distribution Point Maintenance Mode Change Report</h1><br />" $HTMLString = "$($HTMLString)The most recent run of the Distribution Point Maintenance Mode maintenance auto-job detected and made the following needed changes to distribution points:<br /><br />" if ($DPsPlacedIntoMaintenanceMode.Count -gt 0) { $HTMLString = "$($HTMLString)<b>The following distribution points were <u>unreachable</u> over the network and have been <u>placed into maintenance mode</u>:</b><br /><ol>" foreach ($DP in $DPsPlacedIntoMaintenanceMode) { $HTMLString = "$($HTMLString)<li>$($DP)</li>" } $HTMLString = "$($HTMLString)</ol><br />" } if ($DPsRemovedFromMaintenanceMode.Count -gt 0) { $HTMLString = "$($HTMLString)<b>The following distribution points were found to be <u>back online</u> and have been <u>taken out of maintenance mode</u>:</b><br /><ol>" foreach ($DP in $DPsRemovedFromMaintenanceMode) { $HTMLString = "$($HTMLString)<li>$($DP)</li>" } $HTMLString = "$($HTMLString)</ol><br />" } if ($DPswithFailedStateChanges.Count -gt 0) { $HTMLString = "$($HTMLString)<b>The auto-job detected state changes were needed for the following distribution points, however, changing their state failed. These should be checked to determine if they should placed into or removed from maintenance mode:</b><br /><ol>" foreach ($DP in $DPswithFailedStateChanges) { $HTMLString = "$($HTMLString)<li>$($DP)</li>" } $HTMLString = "$($HTMLString)</ol><br />" } $HTMLString = "$($HTMLString)<i>This message has been sent from an automated system, please do not reply.</i><html><body>" if (($DPsPlacedIntoMaintenanceMode.count -ge 1) -or ($DPsRemovedFromMaintenanceMode.Count -ge 1) -or ($DPswithFailedStateChanges.Count -ge 1)) { Try { Send-MailMessage -smtpServer $Script:SMTPServer -To $Script:ToAddress -from $Script:FromAddress -subject "DP Maintenance Mode Changes" -Body $HTMLString -BodyAsHtml -ErrorAction Stop Log-Action -Message "Changes were made or attempted, and an email report has been sent." } catch { Log-Action -Message "Changes were made or attempted, however, an email report failed to send ($($PSItem.ToString()))." } } else { Log-Action -Message "No changes were made or attempted, skipping sending email report." } } else { Log-Action -Message "Warning: $($ProviderMachineName) is offline, DP maintenance mode check has been skipped!" }