Modified version of HardwareReadiness.ps1 by Microsoft that will only output true/false - this is meant to be used in a task sequence step to output into a task sequence variable your task sequence can act upon accordingly. You will need to run this step after any disk formats for it to work reliably. The script has also been modified to run successfully within winPE, so it will work with bare metal imaging task sequences as well.
Usage Type:
Script Source:
############################################################################################################################### # Check-Windows11Compatibility.ps1 # Modified version of Microsoft HardwareReadiness.ps1 for use in a task sequence step to take action based on a True/False TS variable this script sets ############################################################################################################################### # Modified by Sean Huggans 2023.2.8 # - Modified to only output true/false # - Override storage always to check for C: # - TPM Section changed to work in WinPE #################################################### # Original Script Name: HardwareReadiness.ps1 # Description: Verifies the hardware compliance. Return code 0 for success. # In case Cf failure, returns non-zero error code along with error message. # This script is not supported under any Microsoft standard support program or service and is distributed under the MIT license # Copyright (C) 2021 Microsoft Corporation # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation # files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, # modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software # is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR # COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, # ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE #============================================================================================================================= $exitCode = 0 [int]$MinOSDiskSizeGB = 64 [int]$MinMemoryGB = 4 [Uint32]$MinClockSpeedMHz = 1000 [Uint32]$MinLogicalCores = 2 [Uint16]$RequiredAddressWidth = 64 $PASS_STRING = "PASS" $FAIL_STRING = "FAIL" $FAILED_TO_RUN_STRING = "FAILED TO RUN" $UNDETERMINED_CAPS_STRING = "UNDETERMINED" $UNDETERMINED_STRING = "Undetermined" $CAPABLE_STRING = "Capable" $NOT_CAPABLE_STRING = "Not capable" $CAPABLE_CAPS_STRING = "CAPABLE" $NOT_CAPABLE_CAPS_STRING = "NOT CAPABLE" $STORAGE_STRING = "Storage" $OS_DISK_SIZE_STRING = "OSDiskSize" $MEMORY_STRING = "Memory" $SYSTEM_MEMORY_STRING = "System_Memory" $GB_UNIT_STRING = "GB" $TPM_STRING = "TPM" $TPM_VERSION_STRING = "TPMVersion" $PROCESSOR_STRING = "Processor" $SECUREBOOT_STRING = "SecureBoot" $I7_7820HQ_CPU_STRING = "i7-7820hq CPU" # 0=name of check, 1=attribute checked, 2=value, 3=PASS/FAIL/UNDETERMINED $logFormat = '{0}: {1}={2}. {3}; ' # 0=name of check, 1=attribute checked, 2=value, 3=unit of the value, 4=PASS/FAIL/UNDETERMINED $logFormatWithUnit = '{0}: {1}={2}{3}. {4}; ' # 0=name of check. $logFormatReturnReason = '{0}, ' # 0=exception. $logFormatException = '{0}; ' # 0=name of check, 1= attribute checked and its value, 2=PASS/FAIL/UNDETERMINED $logFormatWithBlob = '{0}: {1}. {2}; ' # return returnCode is -1 when an exception is thrown. 1 if the value does not meet requirements. 0 if successful. -2 default, script didn't run. $outObject = @{ returnCode = -2; returnResult = $FAILED_TO_RUN_STRING; returnReason = ""; logging = "" } # NOT CAPABLE(1) state takes precedence over UNDETERMINED(-1) state function Private:UpdateReturnCode { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateRange(-2, 1)] [int] $ReturnCode ) Switch ($ReturnCode) { 0 { if ($outObject.returnCode -eq -2) { $outObject.returnCode = $ReturnCode } } 1 { $outObject.returnCode = $ReturnCode } -1 { if ($outObject.returnCode -ne 1) { $outObject.returnCode = $ReturnCode } } } } $Source = @" using Microsoft.Win32; using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; public class CpuFamilyResult { public bool IsValid { get; set; } public string Message { get; set; } } public class CpuFamily { [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct SYSTEM_INFO { public ushort ProcessorArchitecture; ushort Reserved; public uint PageSize; public IntPtr MinimumApplicationAddress; public IntPtr MaximumApplicationAddress; public IntPtr ActiveProcessorMask; public uint NumberOfProcessors; public uint ProcessorType; public uint AllocationGranularity; public ushort ProcessorLevel; public ushort ProcessorRevision; } [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] internal static extern void GetNativeSystemInfo(ref SYSTEM_INFO lpSystemInfo); public enum ProcessorFeature : uint { ARM_SUPPORTED_INSTRUCTIONS = 34 } [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] static extern bool IsProcessorFeaturePresent(ProcessorFeature processorFeature); private const ushort PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_X86 = 0; private const ushort PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_ARM64 = 12; private const ushort PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_X64 = 9; private const string INTEL_MANUFACTURER = "GenuineIntel"; private const string AMD_MANUFACTURER = "AuthenticAMD"; private const string QUALCOMM_MANUFACTURER = "Qualcomm Technologies Inc"; public static CpuFamilyResult Validate(string manufacturer, ushort processorArchitecture) { CpuFamilyResult cpuFamilyResult = new CpuFamilyResult(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(manufacturer)) { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; cpuFamilyResult.Message = "Manufacturer is null or empty"; return cpuFamilyResult; } string registryPath = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Hardware\\Description\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0"; SYSTEM_INFO sysInfo = new SYSTEM_INFO(); GetNativeSystemInfo(ref sysInfo); switch (processorArchitecture) { case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_ARM64: if (manufacturer.Equals(QUALCOMM_MANUFACTURER, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { bool isArmv81Supported = IsProcessorFeaturePresent(ProcessorFeature.ARM_SUPPORTED_INSTRUCTIONS); if (!isArmv81Supported) { string registryName = "CP 4030"; long registryValue = (long)Registry.GetValue(registryPath, registryName, -1); long atomicResult = (registryValue >> 20) & 0xF; if (atomicResult >= 2) { isArmv81Supported = true; } } cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = isArmv81Supported; cpuFamilyResult.Message = isArmv81Supported ? "" : "Processor does not implement ARM v8.1 atomic instruction"; } else { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; cpuFamilyResult.Message = "The processor isn't currently supported for Windows 11"; } break; case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_X64: case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_X86: int cpuFamily = sysInfo.ProcessorLevel; int cpuModel = (sysInfo.ProcessorRevision >> 8) & 0xFF; int cpuStepping = sysInfo.ProcessorRevision & 0xFF; if (manufacturer.Equals(INTEL_MANUFACTURER, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { try { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = true; cpuFamilyResult.Message = ""; if (cpuFamily >= 6 && cpuModel <= 95 && !(cpuFamily == 6 && cpuModel == 85)) { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; cpuFamilyResult.Message = ""; } else if (cpuFamily == 6 && (cpuModel == 142 || cpuModel == 158) && cpuStepping == 9) { string registryName = "Platform Specific Field 1"; int registryValue = (int)Registry.GetValue(registryPath, registryName, -1); if ((cpuModel == 142 && registryValue != 16) || (cpuModel == 158 && registryValue != 8)) { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; } cpuFamilyResult.Message = "PlatformId " + registryValue; } } catch (Exception ex) { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; cpuFamilyResult.Message = "Exception:" + ex.GetType().Name; } } else if (manufacturer.Equals(AMD_MANUFACTURER, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = true; cpuFamilyResult.Message = ""; if (cpuFamily < 23 || (cpuFamily == 23 && (cpuModel == 1 || cpuModel == 17))) { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; } } else { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; cpuFamilyResult.Message = "Unsupported Manufacturer: " + manufacturer + ", Architecture: " + processorArchitecture + ", CPUFamily: " + sysInfo.ProcessorLevel + ", ProcessorRevision: " + sysInfo.ProcessorRevision; } break; default: cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; cpuFamilyResult.Message = "Unsupported CPU category. Manufacturer: " + manufacturer + ", Architecture: " + processorArchitecture + ", CPUFamily: " + sysInfo.ProcessorLevel + ", ProcessorRevision: " + sysInfo.ProcessorRevision; break; } return cpuFamilyResult; } } "@ # Storage try { #$osDrive = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object -Property SystemDrive # Modding to set C: $osDriveSize = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -filter "DeviceID='C:'" -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object @{Name = "SizeGB"; Expression = { $_.Size / 1GB -as [int] } } if ($null -eq $osDriveSize) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $STORAGE_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $STORAGE_STRING, "Storage is null", $FAIL_STRING $exitCode = 1 } elseif ($osDriveSize.SizeGB -lt $MinOSDiskSizeGB) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $STORAGE_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithUnit -f $STORAGE_STRING, $OS_DISK_SIZE_STRING, ($osDriveSize.SizeGB), $GB_UNIT_STRING, $FAIL_STRING $exitCode = 1 } else { $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithUnit -f $STORAGE_STRING, $OS_DISK_SIZE_STRING, ($osDriveSize.SizeGB), $GB_UNIT_STRING, $PASS_STRING UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 0 } } catch { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode -1 $outObject.logging += $logFormat -f $STORAGE_STRING, $OS_DISK_SIZE_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_CAPS_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatException -f "$($_.Exception.GetType().Name) $($_.Exception.Message)" $exitCode = 1 } # Memory (bytes) try { $memory = Get-WmiObject Win32_PhysicalMemory | Measure-Object -Property Capacity -Sum | Select-Object @{Name = "SizeGB"; Expression = { $_.Sum / 1GB -as [int] } } if ($null -eq $memory) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $MEMORY_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $MEMORY_STRING, "Memory is null", $FAIL_STRING $exitCode = 1 } elseif ($memory.SizeGB -lt $MinMemoryGB) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $MEMORY_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithUnit -f $MEMORY_STRING, $SYSTEM_MEMORY_STRING, ($memory.SizeGB), $GB_UNIT_STRING, $FAIL_STRING $exitCode = 1 } else { $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithUnit -f $MEMORY_STRING, $SYSTEM_MEMORY_STRING, ($memory.SizeGB), $GB_UNIT_STRING, $PASS_STRING UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 0 } } catch { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode -1 $outObject.logging += $logFormat -f $MEMORY_STRING, $SYSTEM_MEMORY_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_CAPS_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatException -f "$($_.Exception.GetType().Name) $($_.Exception.Message)" $exitCode = 1 } # TPM try { #$tpm = Get-Tpm Try { # Remove-Variable -Name $tpm -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Uncomment to run directly on an installed OS } catch { # Nothing } if ($TPM = Get-WmiObject -Namespace 'root/cimv2/Security/MicrosoftTpm' -Class 'Win32_Tpm') { $TPM | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "TpmPresent" -Value $true -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } if ($null -eq $tpm) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $TPM_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $TPM_STRING, "TPM is null", $FAIL_STRING $exitCode = 1 } elseif ($tpm.TpmPresent) { if ($tpmVersion = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Tpm -Namespace root\CIMV2\Security\MicrosoftTpm | Select-Object -Property SpecVersion) { if ($null -eq $tpmVersion.SpecVersion) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $TPM_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormat -f $TPM_STRING, $TPM_VERSION_STRING, "null", $FAIL_STRING $exitCode = 1 } if ($tpmVersion.SpecVersion -notlike "*2.*") { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $TPM_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormat -f $TPM_STRING, $TPM_VERSION_STRING, ($tpmVersion.SpecVersion), $FAIL_STRING $exitCode = 1 } else { $outObject.logging += $logFormat -f $TPM_STRING, $TPM_VERSION_STRING, ($tpmVersion.SpecVersion), $PASS_STRING UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 0 } } else { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $TPM_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormat -f $TPM_STRING, $TPM_VERSION_STRING, "null", $FAIL_STRING $exitCode = 1 } } else { if ($tpm.GetType().Name -eq "String") { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode -1 $outObject.logging += $logFormat -f $TPM_STRING, $TPM_VERSION_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_CAPS_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatException -f $tpm } else { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $TPM_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormat -f $TPM_STRING, $TPM_VERSION_STRING, ($tpm.TpmPresent), $FAIL_STRING } $exitCode = 1 } } catch { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode -1 $outObject.logging += $logFormat -f $TPM_STRING, $TPM_VERSION_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_CAPS_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatException -f "$($_.Exception.GetType().Name) $($_.Exception.Message)" $exitCode = 1 } # CPU Details #$cpuDetails; try { $cpuDetails = @(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Processor)[0] if ($null -eq $cpuDetails) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $exitCode = 1 $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $PROCESSOR_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $PROCESSOR_STRING, "CpuDetails is null", $FAIL_STRING } else { $processorCheckFailed = $false # AddressWidth if ($null -eq $cpuDetails.AddressWidth -or $cpuDetails.AddressWidth -ne $RequiredAddressWidth) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $processorCheckFailed = $true $exitCode = 1 } # ClockSpeed is in MHz if ($null -eq $cpuDetails.MaxClockSpeed -or $cpuDetails.MaxClockSpeed -le $MinClockSpeedMHz) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1; $processorCheckFailed = $true $exitCode = 1 } # Number of Logical Cores if ($null -eq $cpuDetails.NumberOfLogicalProcessors -or $cpuDetails.NumberOfLogicalProcessors -lt $MinLogicalCores) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $processorCheckFailed = $true $exitCode = 1 } # CPU Family Add-Type -TypeDefinition $Source $cpuFamilyResult = [CpuFamily]::Validate([String]$cpuDetails.Manufacturer, [uint16]$cpuDetails.Architecture) $cpuDetailsLog = "{CPUName=$($cpuDetails.Name); MaxClockSpeed=$($cpuDetails.MaxClockSpeed); AddressWidth=$($cpuDetails.AddressWidth); MaxClockSpeed=$($cpuDetails.MaxClockSpeed); NumberOfLogicalCores=$($cpuDetails.NumberOfLogicalProcessors); Manufacturer=$($cpuDetails.Manufacturer); Caption=$($cpuDetails.Caption); $($cpuFamilyResult.Message)}" if (!$cpuFamilyResult.IsValid) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $processorCheckFailed = $true $exitCode = 1 } if ($processorCheckFailed) { $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $PROCESSOR_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $PROCESSOR_STRING, ($cpuDetailsLog), $FAIL_STRING } else { $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $PROCESSOR_STRING, ($cpuDetailsLog), $PASS_STRING UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 0 } } } catch { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode -1 $outObject.logging += $logFormat -f $PROCESSOR_STRING, $PROCESSOR_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_CAPS_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatException -f "$($_.Exception.GetType().Name) $($_.Exception.Message)" $exitCode = 1 } # SecureBooot try { $isSecureBootEnabled = Confirm-SecureBootUEFI $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $SECUREBOOT_STRING, $CAPABLE_STRING, $PASS_STRING UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 0 } catch [System.PlatformNotSupportedException] { # PlatformNotSupportedException "Cmdlet not supported on this platform." - SecureBoot is not supported or is non-UEFI computer. UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $SECUREBOOT_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $SECUREBOOT_STRING, $NOT_CAPABLE_STRING, $FAIL_STRING $exitCode = 1 } catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException] { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode -1 $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $SECUREBOOT_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_CAPS_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatException -f "$($_.Exception.GetType().Name) $($_.Exception.Message)" $exitCode = 1 } catch { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode -1 $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $SECUREBOOT_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_CAPS_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatException -f "$($_.Exception.GetType().Name) $($_.Exception.Message)" $exitCode = 1 } # i7-7820hq CPU try { $supportedDevices = @('surface studio 2', 'precision 5520') $systemInfo = @(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem)[0] if ($null -ne $cpuDetails) { if ($cpuDetails.Name -match 'i7-7820hq cpu @ 2.90ghz'){ $modelOrSKUCheckLog = $systemInfo.Model.Trim() if ($supportedDevices -contains $modelOrSKUCheckLog){ $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $I7_7820HQ_CPU_STRING, $modelOrSKUCheckLog, $PASS_STRING $outObject.returnCode = 0 $exitCode = 0 } } } } catch { if ($outObject.returnCode -ne 0){ UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode -1 $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $I7_7820HQ_CPU_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_CAPS_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatException -f "$($_.Exception.GetType().Name) $($_.Exception.Message)" $exitCode = 1 } } Switch ($outObject.returnCode) { 0 { $outObject.returnResult = $CAPABLE_CAPS_STRING } 1 { $outObject.returnResult = $NOT_CAPABLE_CAPS_STRING } -1 { $outObject.returnResult = $UNDETERMINED_CAPS_STRING } -2 { $outObject.returnResult = $FAILED_TO_RUN_STRING } } if (!(Test-Path -Path "C:\Windows\Logs\Imaging")) { New-Item -Path "C:\Windows\Logs\Imaging" -ItemType Directory -force -ErrorAction stop | Out-Null } Try { "Return Code: $($outObject.returnCode)" | Out-File -FilePath "C:\Windows\Logs\Imaging\Windows 11 Capability Check.log" -Encoding utf8 -Append -Force "Return Code: $($outObject.returnReason)" | Out-File -FilePath "C:\Windows\Logs\Imaging\Windows 11 Capability Check.log" -Encoding utf8 -Append -Force "Return Code: $($outObject.returnResult)" | Out-File -FilePath "C:\Windows\Logs\Imaging\Windows 11 Capability Check.log" -Encoding utf8 -Append -Force "Return Code: $($outObject.logging)" | Out-File -FilePath "C:\Windows\Logs\Imaging\Windows 11 Capability Check.log" -Encoding utf8 -Append -Force } catch { # Nothing } Switch ($outObject.returnCode) { 0 { return $true } default { return $false } }
Note: that all applications posted here are posted for use, both commercial and non-commercial, free of charge, and as such are provided as-is, without warranty of any kind whatsoever. visuaFUSION, FMSCUG or any other program listed here's author are not responsible for any damages or shortcomings that result from usage of any of these applications.