
  • 24 April 2020
  • Sean Huggans

This script was created to remove entries for old distribution points that no longer exist in the ConfigMgr environment - usually because of improper removal of the DP role before deleting a site server, or perhaps a Distribution point died without the opportunity to remove the DP role and let it uninstall. Either way, these entries can get left behind in the database and throw things off.

The idea here is that we pull a list of valid distribution points with the Get-CMDistributionPoint cmdlet. This list should always match up with the DPs shown in the console - that is to say they actually exist. The script then continues on to pull DP names from the relevant content tables and compares them. When a DP exists in the tables but not the list of valid DPs we started with, it's added to a list of "orphaned DPs". As a bonus, the script tracks how many database entries exist for that distribution point, and outputs all the entries for each table it finds them in to C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup.

When the script has finished building the list of orphaned DPs, it will ask you if you want to remove them (You will be prompted and must confirm twice). You should only do this under the guidance of Microsoft support, else you could end up in an unsupported state.

I hope it helps!

Usage Type: 
Script Source: 
# Fix-OrphanedDPs.ps1
# Version
# Author: Sean Huggans, with tons of help from Microsoft Support cases over 
# the years, in addition to various pieces found out and about in the community
$Script:PreviousLocation = "$($(Get-Location).Drive.Name):\"
if (($SiteCode -ne "") -and ($ProviderMachineName -ne "")) {
    $initParams = @{}
    if((Get-Module ConfigurationManager) -eq $null) {
        Import-Module "$($ENV:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH)\..\ConfigurationManager.psd1" @initParams 
    if((Get-PSDrive -Name $SiteCode -PSProvider CMSite -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) {
        New-PSDrive -Name $SiteCode -PSProvider CMSite -Root $ProviderMachineName @initParams
    Set-Location "$($SiteCode):\" @initParams
    function Invoke-SQL {
            [string] $dataSource,
            [string] $database,
            [string] $sqlCommand = $(throw "Please specify a query.")
        $connectionString = "Data Source=$dataSource; " +
                "Integrated Security=SSPI; " +
                "Initial Catalog=$database"
        $connection = new-object$connectionString)
        $command = new-object$sqlCommand,$connection)
        $adapter = New-Object System.Data.sqlclient.sqlDataAdapter $command
        $dataset = New-Object System.Data.DataSet
        $adapter.Fill($dataSet) | Out-Null
    Write-host "Getting the list of Valid (existing) Distribution Points..."
    [array]$DPs = $(Get-CMDistributionPoint).NetworkOSPath.replace("\","").ToUpper()
    $OrphanedDPs = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
    Write-host "Getting raw distribution point data from the site database..."
    [array]$DPs_ContentDPMap = Invoke-SQL Invoke-SQL -dataSource $ProviderMachineName -database "CM_$($SiteCode)" -sqlCommand "Select ServerName FROM ContentDPMap"
    [array]$DPs_DistributionPoints = Invoke-SQL Invoke-SQL -dataSource $ProviderMachineName -database "CM_$($SiteCode)" -sqlCommand "Select ServerName FROM DistributionPoints"
    [array]$DPs_DPInfo = Invoke-SQL Invoke-SQL -dataSource $ProviderMachineName -database "CM_$($SiteCode)" -sqlCommand "Select ServerName FROM DPInfo WHERE NOT ServerName like '%roamer%'"
    [array]$DPs_PkgServers_G = Invoke-SQL Invoke-SQL -dataSource $ProviderMachineName -database "CM_$($SiteCode)" -sqlCommand "Select NALPath FROM PkgServers_G"
    [array]$DPs_PkgServers_L = Invoke-SQL Invoke-SQL -dataSource $ProviderMachineName -database "CM_$($SiteCode)" -sqlCommand "Select NALPath FROM PkgServers_L"
    [array]$DPs_PkgStatus_G = Invoke-SQL Invoke-SQL -dataSource $ProviderMachineName -database "CM_$($SiteCode)" -sqlCommand "Select PkgServer FROM PkgStatus_G"
    [array]$DPs_PkgStatus_L = Invoke-SQL Invoke-SQL -dataSource $ProviderMachineName -database "CM_$($SiteCode)" -sqlCommand "Select PkgServer FROM PkgStatus_L"
    [array]$DPs_SysResList = Invoke-SQL Invoke-SQL -dataSource $ProviderMachineName -database "CM_$($SiteCode)" -sqlCommand "Select ServerName FROM SysResList WHERE RoleName = 'SMS Distribution Point'"
    [array]$DPs_SC_SysResUse = Invoke-SQL Invoke-SQL -dataSource $ProviderMachineName -database "CM_$($SiteCode)" -sqlCommand "Select * FROM SC_SysResUse WHERE RoleTypeID = 3"
    if ($DPs.Count -gt 0) {
        $Filtered_ContentDPMap = new-object system.collections.arraylist
        foreach ($Result in $DPs_ContentDPMap) {
            if ($Filtered_ContentDPMap -notcontains $Result.ServerName) {
                #Write-Host $Result.ServerName
                $Filtered_ContentDPMap.Add($Result.ServerName) | Out-Null
        if ($Filtered_ContentDPMap.Count -ne $DPs.Count) {
            Write-Host "ContentDPMap contains $($Filtered_ContentDPMap.Count) unique DP names (vs. $($DPs.Count) DPs in ConfigMgr).  Checking differences..." -ForegroundColor Red
            foreach ($DBDistributionPoint in $($Filtered_ContentDPMap)) {
                if ($DPs -notcontains $DBDistributionPoint) {
                    [array]$DPDBEntries = Invoke-SQL -dataSource $ProviderMachineName -database "CM_$($SiteCode)" -sqlCommand "DECLARE @DPName NVARCHAR(100)
                        SET @DPName = '$DBDistributionPoint'
                        SELECT * FROM ContentDPMap WHERE ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM DistributionPoints WHERE ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM DPInfo WHERE ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM PkgServers_G WHERE NALPath like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM PkgServers_L WHERE NALPath like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM PkgStatus_G WHERE PkgServer like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM PkgStatus_L WHERE PkgServer like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM SysResList WHERE RoleName = 'SMS Distribution Point' AND ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM SC_SysResUse WHERE NALPath like '%' + @DPName + '%' AND RoleTypeID = 3"
                        [int]$Entries = 0
                        foreach ($TableValue in $DPDBEntries) {
                            foreach ($Entry in $TableValue) {
                                $Entries += 1
                            if (!(Test-Path -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)")) {
                                New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)" -Force | Out-Null
                            if (!(Test-Path -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)\$($TableValue.TableName).CSV")) {
                                $TableValue | Export-Csv -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)\$($TableValue.TableName).CSV" -NoTypeInformation -Force
                    Write-Host " - $($DBDistributionPoint) is present in the database but not exist in the console and has $($Entries) content entries in the database." -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    # Add to orphaned DP list
                    if ($OrphanedDPs -notcontains $DBDistributionPoint) {
                        $OrphanedDPs.Add($DBDistributionPoint) | Out-Null
        } else {
            Write-Host "ContentDPMap contains $($Filtered_ContentDPMap.Count) unique DP names (vs. $($DPs.Count) DPs in ConfigMgr).  Nothing else to see here." -ForegroundColor Green
        $Filtered_DistributionPoints = new-object system.collections.arraylist
        foreach ($Result in $DPs_DistributionPoints) {
            if ($Filtered_DistributionPoints -notcontains $Result.ServerName) {
                #Write-Host $Result.ServerName
                $Filtered_DistributionPoints.Add($Result.ServerName) | Out-Null
        if ($Filtered_DistributionPoints.Count -ne $DPs.Count) {
            Write-Host "DistributionPoints contains $($Filtered_DistributionPoints.Count) unique DP names (vs. $($DPs.Count) DPs in ConfigMgr).  Checking differences..." -ForegroundColor Red
            foreach ($DBDistributionPoint in $($Filtered_DistributionPoints)) {
                if ($DPs -notcontains $DBDistributionPoint) {
                    [array]$DPDBEntries = Invoke-SQL -dataSource $ProviderMachineName -database "CM_$($SiteCode)" -sqlCommand "DECLARE @DPName NVARCHAR(100)
                        SET @DPName = '$DBDistributionPoint'
                        SELECT * FROM ContentDPMap WHERE ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM DistributionPoints WHERE ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM DPInfo WHERE ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM PkgServers_G WHERE NALPath like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM PkgServers_L WHERE NALPath like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM PkgStatus_G WHERE PkgServer like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM PkgStatus_L WHERE PkgServer like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM SysResList WHERE RoleName = 'SMS Distribution Point' AND ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM SC_SysResUse WHERE NALPath like '%' + @DPName + '%' AND RoleTypeID = 3"
                        [int]$Entries = 0
                        foreach ($TableValue in $DPDBEntries) {
                            foreach ($Entry in $TableValue) {
                                $Entries += 1
                            if (!(Test-Path -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)")) {
                                New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)" -Force | Out-Null
                            if (!(Test-Path -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)\$($TableValue.TableName).CSV")) {
                                $TableValue | Export-Csv -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)\$($TableValue.TableName).CSV" -NoTypeInformation -Force
                    Write-Host " - $($DBDistributionPoint) is present in the database but not exist in the console and has $($Entries) content entries in the database." -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    # Add to orphaned DP list
                    if ($OrphanedDPs -notcontains $DBDistributionPoint) {
                        $OrphanedDPs.Add($DBDistributionPoint) | Out-Null
        } else {
            Write-Host "DistributionPoints contains $($Filtered_DistributionPoints.Count) unique DP names (vs. $($DPs.Count) DPs in ConfigMgr).  Nothing else to see here." -ForegroundColor Green
        $Filtered_DPInfo = new-object system.collections.arraylist
        foreach ($Result in $DPs_DPInfo) {
            if ($Filtered_DPInfo -notcontains $Result.ServerName) {
                #Write-Host $Result.ServerName
                $Filtered_DPInfo.Add($Result.ServerName) | Out-Null
        if ($Filtered_DPInfo.Count -ne $DPs.Count) {
            Write-Host "DPInfo contains $($Filtered_DPInfo.Count) unique DP names (vs. $($DPs.Count) DPs in ConfigMgr).  Checking differences..." -ForegroundColor Red
            foreach ($DBDistributionPoint in $($Filtered_DPInfo)) {
                if ($DPs -notcontains $DBDistributionPoint) {
                    [array]$DPDBEntries = Invoke-SQL -dataSource $ProviderMachineName -database "CM_$($SiteCode)" -sqlCommand "DECLARE @DPName NVARCHAR(100)
                        SET @DPName = '$DBDistributionPoint'
                        SELECT * FROM ContentDPMap WHERE ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM DistributionPoints WHERE ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM DPInfo WHERE ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM PkgServers_G WHERE NALPath like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM PkgServers_L WHERE NALPath like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM PkgStatus_G WHERE PkgServer like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM PkgStatus_L WHERE PkgServer like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM SysResList WHERE RoleName = 'SMS Distribution Point' AND ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM SC_SysResUse WHERE NALPath like '%' + @DPName + '%' AND RoleTypeID = 3"
                        [int]$Entries = 0
                        foreach ($TableValue in $DPDBEntries) {
                            foreach ($Entry in $TableValue) {
                                $Entries += 1
                            if (!(Test-Path -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)")) {
                                New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)" -Force | Out-Null
                            if (!(Test-Path -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)\$($TableValue.TableName).CSV")) {
                                $TableValue | Export-Csv -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)\$($TableValue.TableName).CSV" -NoTypeInformation -Force
                    Write-Host " - $($DBDistributionPoint) is present in the database but not exist in the console and has $($Entries) content entries in the database." -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    # Add to orphaned DP list
                    if ($OrphanedDPs -notcontains $DBDistributionPoint) {
                        $OrphanedDPs.Add($DBDistributionPoint) | Out-Null
        } else {
            Write-Host "DPInfo contains $($Filtered_DPInfo.Count) unique DP names (vs. $($DPs.Count) DPs in ConfigMgr).  Nothing else to see here." -ForegroundColor Green
        $Filtered_PkgServers_G = new-object system.collections.arraylist
        foreach ($Result in $DPs_PkgServers_G) {
            if ($Filtered_PkgServers_G -notcontains "$($Result.NALPATH.Split("\")[2].ToUpper())") {
                #Write-Host $Result.ServerName
                $Filtered_PkgServers_G.Add("$($Result.NALPATH.Split("\")[2].ToUpper())") | Out-Null
        if ($Filtered_PkgServers_G.Count -ne $DPs.Count) {
            Write-Host "PkgServers_G contains $($Filtered_PkgServers_G.Count) unique DP names (vs. $($DPs.Count) DPs in ConfigMgr).  Checking differences..." -ForegroundColor Red
            foreach ($DBDistributionPoint in $($Filtered_PkgServers_G)) {
                if ($DPs -notcontains $DBDistributionPoint) {
                    [array]$DPDBEntries = Invoke-SQL -dataSource $ProviderMachineName -database "CM_$($SiteCode)" -sqlCommand "DECLARE @DPName NVARCHAR(100)
                        SET @DPName = '$DBDistributionPoint'
                        SELECT * FROM ContentDPMap WHERE ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM DistributionPoints WHERE ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM DPInfo WHERE ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM PkgServers_L WHERE NALPath like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM PkgServers_L WHERE NALPath like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM PkgStatus_G WHERE PkgServer like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM PkgStatus_L WHERE PkgServer like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM SysResList WHERE RoleName = 'SMS Distribution Point' AND ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM SC_SysResUse WHERE NALPath like '%' + @DPName + '%' AND RoleTypeID = 3"
                        [int]$Entries = 0
                        foreach ($TableValue in $DPDBEntries) {
                            foreach ($Entry in $TableValue) {
                                $Entries += 1
                            if (!(Test-Path -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)")) {
                                New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)" -Force | Out-Null
                            if (!(Test-Path -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)\$($TableValue.TableName).CSV")) {
                                $TableValue | Export-Csv -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)\$($TableValue.TableName).CSV" -NoTypeInformation -Force
                    Write-Host " - $($DBDistributionPoint) is present in the database but not exist in the console and has $($Entries) content entries in the database." -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    # Add to orphaned DP list
                    if ($OrphanedDPs -notcontains $DBDistributionPoint) {
                        $OrphanedDPs.Add($DBDistributionPoint) | Out-Null
        } else {
            Write-Host "PkgServers_L contains $($Filtered_PkgServers_G.Count) unique DP names (vs. $($DPs.Count) DPs in ConfigMgr).  Nothing else to see here." -ForegroundColor Green
        $Filtered_PkgServers_L = new-object system.collections.arraylist
        foreach ($Result in $DPs_PkgServers_L) {
            if ($Filtered_PkgServers_L -notcontains "$($Result.NALPATH.Split("\")[2].ToUpper())") {
                #Write-Host $Result.ServerName
                $Filtered_PkgServers_L.Add("$($Result.NALPATH.Split("\")[2].ToUpper())") | Out-Null
        if ($Filtered_PkgServers_L.Count -ne $DPs.Count) {
            Write-Host "PkgServers_L contains $($Filtered_PkgServers_L.Count) unique DP names (vs. $($DPs.Count) DPs in ConfigMgr).  Checking differences..." -ForegroundColor Red
            foreach ($DBDistributionPoint in $($Filtered_PkgServers_L)) {
                if ($DPs -notcontains $DBDistributionPoint) {
                    [array]$DPDBEntries = Invoke-SQL -dataSource $ProviderMachineName -database "CM_$($SiteCode)" -sqlCommand "DECLARE @DPName NVARCHAR(100)
                        SET @DPName = '$DBDistributionPoint'
                        SELECT * FROM ContentDPMap WHERE ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM DistributionPoints WHERE ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM DPInfo WHERE ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM PkgServers_L WHERE NALPath like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM PkgServers_L WHERE NALPath like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM PkgStatus_G WHERE PkgServer like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM PkgStatus_L WHERE PkgServer like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM SysResList WHERE RoleName = 'SMS Distribution Point' AND ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM SC_SysResUse WHERE NALPath like '%' + @DPName + '%' AND RoleTypeID = 3"
                        [int]$Entries = 0
                        foreach ($TableValue in $DPDBEntries) {
                            foreach ($Entry in $TableValue) {
                                $Entries += 1
                            if (!(Test-Path -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)")) {
                                New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)" -Force | Out-Null
                            if (!(Test-Path -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)\$($TableValue.TableName).CSV")) {
                                $TableValue | Export-Csv -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)\$($TableValue.TableName).CSV" -NoTypeInformation -Force
                    Write-Host " - $($DBDistributionPoint) is present in the database but not exist in the console and has $($Entries) content entries in the database." -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    # Add to orphaned DP list
                    if ($OrphanedDPs -notcontains $DBDistributionPoint) {
                        $OrphanedDPs.Add($DBDistributionPoint) | Out-Null
        } else {
            Write-Host "PkgServers_L contains $($Filtered_PkgServers_L.Count) unique DP names (vs. $($DPs.Count) DPs in ConfigMgr).  Nothing else to see here." -ForegroundColor Green
        $Filtered_PkgStatus_G = new-object system.collections.arraylist
        foreach ($Result in $DPs_PkgStatus_G) {
            if ($Result.PkgServer -notlike "*PRIMARY*") {
                if ($Filtered_PkgStatus_G -notcontains "$($Result.PkgServer.Split("\")[2].ToUpper())") {
                    #Write-Host $Result.ServerName
                    $Filtered_PkgStatus_G.Add("$($Result.PkgServer.Split("\")[2].ToUpper())") | Out-Null
        if ($Filtered_PkgStatus_G.Count -ne $DPs.Count) {
            Write-Host "PkgStatus_G contains $($Filtered_PkgStatus_G.Count) unique DP names (vs. $($DPs.Count) DPs in ConfigMgr).  Checking differences..." -ForegroundColor Red
            foreach ($DBDistributionPoint in $($Filtered_PkgStatus_G)) {
                if ($DPs -notcontains $DBDistributionPoint) {
                    [array]$DPDBEntries = Invoke-SQL -dataSource $ProviderMachineName -database "CM_$($SiteCode)" -sqlCommand "DECLARE @DPName NVARCHAR(100)
                        SET @DPName = '$DBDistributionPoint'
                        SELECT * FROM ContentDPMap WHERE ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM DistributionPoints WHERE ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM DPInfo WHERE ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM PkgServers_L WHERE NALPath like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM PkgServers_L WHERE NALPath like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM PkgStatus_G WHERE PkgServer like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM PkgStatus_L WHERE PkgServer like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM SysResList WHERE RoleName = 'SMS Distribution Point' AND ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM SC_SysResUse WHERE NALPath like '%' + @DPName + '%' AND RoleTypeID = 3"
                        [int]$Entries = 0
                        foreach ($TableValue in $DPDBEntries) {
                            foreach ($Entry in $TableValue) {
                                $Entries += 1
                            if (!(Test-Path -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)")) {
                                New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)" -Force | Out-Null
                            if (!(Test-Path -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)\$($TableValue.TableName).CSV")) {
                                $TableValue | Export-Csv -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)\$($TableValue.TableName).CSV" -NoTypeInformation -Force
                    Write-Host " - $($DBDistributionPoint) is present in the database but not exist in the console and has $($Entries) content entries in the database." -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    # Add to orphaned DP list
                    if ($OrphanedDPs -notcontains $DBDistributionPoint) {
                        $OrphanedDPs.Add($DBDistributionPoint) | Out-Null
        } else {
            Write-Host "PkgStatus_G contains $($Filtered_PkgStatus_G.Count) unique DP names (vs. $($DPs.Count) DPs in ConfigMgr).  Nothing else to see here." -ForegroundColor Green
        $Filtered_PkgStatus_L = new-object system.collections.arraylist
        foreach ($Result in $DPs_PkgStatus_L) {
            if ($Result.PkgServer -notlike "*PRIMARY*") {
                if ($Filtered_PkgStatus_L -notcontains "$($Result.PkgServer.Split("\")[2].ToUpper())") {
                    #Write-Host $Result.ServerName
                    $Filtered_PkgStatus_L.Add("$($Result.PkgServer.Split("\")[2].ToUpper())") | Out-Null
        if ($Filtered_PkgStatus_L.Count -ne $DPs.Count) {
            Write-Host "PkgStatus_L contains $($Filtered_PkgStatus_L.Count) unique DP names (vs. $($DPs.Count) DPs in ConfigMgr).  Checking differences..." -ForegroundColor Red
            foreach ($DBDistributionPoint in $($Filtered_PkgStatus_L)) {
                if ($DPs -notcontains $DBDistributionPoint) {
                    [array]$DPDBEntries = Invoke-SQL -dataSource $ProviderMachineName -database "CM_$($SiteCode)" -sqlCommand "DECLARE @DPName NVARCHAR(100)
                        SET @DPName = '$DBDistributionPoint'
                        SELECT * FROM ContentDPMap WHERE ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM DistributionPoints WHERE ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM DPInfo WHERE ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM PkgServers_L WHERE NALPath like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM PkgServers_L WHERE NALPath like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM PkgStatus_G WHERE PkgServer like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM PkgStatus_L WHERE PkgServer like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM SysResList WHERE RoleName = 'SMS Distribution Point' AND ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM SC_SysResUse WHERE NALPath like '%' + @DPName + '%' AND RoleTypeID = 3"
                        [int]$Entries = 0
                        foreach ($TableValue in $DPDBEntries) {
                            foreach ($Entry in $TableValue) {
                                $Entries += 1
                            if (!(Test-Path -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)")) {
                                New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)" -Force | Out-Null
                            if (!(Test-Path -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)\$($TableValue.TableName).CSV")) {
                                $TableValue | Export-Csv -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)\$($TableValue.TableName).CSV" -NoTypeInformation -Force
                    Write-Host " - $($DBDistributionPoint) is present in the database but not exist in the console and has $($Entries) content entries in the database." -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    # Add to orphaned DP list
                    if ($OrphanedDPs -notcontains $DBDistributionPoint) {
                        $OrphanedDPs.Add($DBDistributionPoint) | Out-Null
        } else {
            Write-Host "PkgStatus_L contains $($Filtered_PkgStatus_L.Count) unique DP names (vs. $($DPs.Count) DPs in ConfigMgr).  Nothing else to see here." -ForegroundColor Green
        $Filtered_SysResList = new-object system.collections.arraylist
        foreach ($Result in $DPs_SysResList) {
            if ($Filtered_SysResList -notcontains "$($Result.ServerName.ToUpper())") {
                #Write-Host $Result.ServerName
                $Filtered_SysResList.Add("$($Result.ServerName.ToUpper())") | Out-Null
        if ($Filtered_SysResList.Count -ne $DPs.Count) {
            Write-Host "SysResList contains $($Filtered_SysResList.Count) unique DP names (vs. $($DPs.Count) DPs in ConfigMgr).  Checking differences..." -ForegroundColor Red
            foreach ($DBDistributionPoint in $($Filtered_SysResList)) {
                if ($DPs -notcontains $DBDistributionPoint) {
                    [array]$DPDBEntries = Invoke-SQL -dataSource $ProviderMachineName -database "CM_$($SiteCode)" -sqlCommand "DECLARE @DPName NVARCHAR(100)
                        SET @DPName = '$DBDistributionPoint'
                        SELECT * FROM ContentDPMap WHERE ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM DistributionPoints WHERE ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM DPInfo WHERE ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM PkgServers_L WHERE NALPath like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM PkgServers_L WHERE NALPath like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM PkgStatus_G WHERE PkgServer like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM PkgStatus_L WHERE PkgServer like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM SysResList WHERE RoleName = 'SMS Distribution Point' AND ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM SC_SysResUse WHERE NALPath like '%' + @DPName + '%' AND RoleTypeID = 3"
                        [int]$Entries = 0
                        foreach ($TableValue in $DPDBEntries) {
                            foreach ($Entry in $TableValue) {
                                $Entries += 1
                            if (!(Test-Path -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)")) {
                                New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)" -Force | Out-Null
                            if (!(Test-Path -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)\$($TableValue.TableName).CSV")) {
                                $TableValue | Export-Csv -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)\$($TableValue.TableName).CSV" -NoTypeInformation -Force
                    Write-Host " - $($DBDistributionPoint) is present in the database but not exist in the console and has $($Entries) content entries in the database." -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    # Add to orphaned DP list
                    if ($OrphanedDPs -notcontains $DBDistributionPoint) {
                        $OrphanedDPs.Add($DBDistributionPoint) | Out-Null
        } else {
            Write-Host "PkgStatus_L contains $($Filtered_SysResList.Count) unique DP names (vs. $($DPs.Count) DPs in ConfigMgr).  Nothing else to see here." -ForegroundColor Green
        $Filtered_SC_SysResUse = new-object system.collections.arraylist
        foreach ($Result in $DPs_SC_SysResUse) {
            if ($Filtered_SC_SysResUse -notcontains "$($Result.NALPATH.Split("\")[2].ToUpper())") {
                #Write-Host $Result.ServerName
                $Filtered_SC_SysResUse.Add("$($Result.NALPATH.Split("\")[2].ToUpper())") | Out-Null
        if ($Filtered_SC_SysResUse.Count -ne $DPs.Count) {
            Write-Host "SC_SysResUse contains $($Filtered_SC_SysResUse.Count) unique DP names (vs. $($DPs.Count) DPs in ConfigMgr).  Checking differences..." -ForegroundColor Red
            foreach ($DBDistributionPoint in $($Filtered_SC_SysResUse)) {
                if ($DPs -notcontains $DBDistributionPoint) {
                    [array]$DPDBEntries = Invoke-SQL -dataSource $ProviderMachineName -database "CM_$($SiteCode)" -sqlCommand "DECLARE @DPName NVARCHAR(100)
                        SET @DPName = '$DBDistributionPoint'
                        SELECT * FROM ContentDPMap WHERE ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM DistributionPoints WHERE ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM DPInfo WHERE ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM PkgServers_L WHERE NALPath like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM PkgServers_L WHERE NALPath like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM PkgStatus_G WHERE PkgServer like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM PkgStatus_L WHERE PkgServer like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                        SELECT * FROM SysResList WHERE RoleName = 'SMS Distribution Point' AND ServerName = @DPName
                        SELECT * FROM SC_SysResUse WHERE NALPath like '%' + @DPName + '%' AND RoleTypeID = 3"
                        [int]$Entries = 0
                        foreach ($TableValue in $DPDBEntries) {
                            foreach ($Entry in $TableValue) {
                                $Entries += 1
                            if (!(Test-Path -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)")) {
                                New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)" -Force | Out-Null
                            if (!(Test-Path -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)\$($TableValue.TableName).CSV")) {
                                $TableValue | Export-Csv -Path "C:\Temp\OrphanedDPCleanup\$($DBDistributionPoint)\$($TableValue.TableName).CSV" -NoTypeInformation -Force
                    Write-Host " - $($DBDistributionPoint) is present in the database but not exist in the console and has $($Entries) content entries in the database." -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    # Add to orphaned DP list
                    if ($OrphanedDPs -notcontains $DBDistributionPoint) {
                        $OrphanedDPs.Add($DBDistributionPoint) | Out-Null
        } else {
            Write-Host "SC_SysResUse contains $($Filtered_SC_SysResUse.Count) unique DP names (vs. $($DPs.Count) DPs in ConfigMgr).  Nothing else to see here." -ForegroundColor Green
        if ($OrphanedDPs.Count -gt 0) {
            Write-Host "A total of $($OrphanedDPs.Count) non-existent DPs were located in the database." -ForegroundColor Red
            $RemoveOrphanedDPs = [windows.forms.MessageBox]::Show("Warning!  Non-Existent DPs were located in your database.  You should only remove them under the guidance to do so from Microsoft support.`n`nWould you like to remove the non-existent DPs now?", "Confirm Removal", 4)
            if ($RemoveOrphanedDPs -eq "Yes") {
                $RemoveOrphanedDPs2 = [windows.forms.MessageBox]::Show("Last Warning! You should only click yes under the guidance to do so from Microsoft support.`n`nWould you like to remove the non-existent DPs now?", "Final Confirmation of Removal", 4)
                if ($RemoveOrphanedDPs2 -eq "Yes") {
                    foreach ($OrphanedDP in $($OrphanedDPs)) {
                        if (($OrphanedDP -notlike "*CMG*") -and ($OrphanedDP -notlike "*PRIMARY*") -and ($DPs -notcontains $OrphanedDP)) {
                            Invoke-SQL -dataSource $ProviderMachineName -database "CM_$($SiteCode)" -sqlCommand "DECLARE @DPName NVARCHAR(100)
                                SET @DPName = '$OrphanedDP'
                                DELETE FROM ContentDPMap WHERE ServerName = @DPName
                                DELETE FROM DistributionPoints WHERE ServerName = @DPName
                                DELETE FROM DPInfo WHERE ServerName = @DPName
                                DELETE FROM PkgServers_G WHERE NALPath like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                                DELETE FROM PkgServers_L WHERE NALPath like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                                DELETE FROM PkgStatus_G WHERE PkgServer like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                                DELETE FROM PkgStatus_L WHERE PkgServer like '%' + @DPName + '%'
                                DELETE FROM SysResList WHERE RoleName = 'SMS Distribution Point' AND ServerName = @DPName
                                DELETE FROM SC_SysResUse WHERE NALPath like '%' + @DPName + '%' AND RoleTypeID = 3"
                           Write-Host " - Removed $($OrphanedDP)" -ForegroundColor Green
        } else {
            Write-Host "No non-existent DPs were located in the database.  Things look good!" -ForegroundColor Green
    } else {
        Write-Host "No DPs were returned by the Get-CMDistributionPoint cmdlet.  The script will exit to avoid accidental deletion of valid distribution points." -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Set-Location $Script:PreviousLocation
Note: that all applications posted here are posted for use, both commercial and non-commercial, free of charge, and as such are provided as-is, without warranty of any kind whatsoever. visuaFUSION, FMSCUG or any other program listed here's author are not responsible for any damages or shortcomings that result from usage of any of these applications.
Error | visuaFUSION Systems Solutions Blog

Error message

  • Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /mnt/home/visuafus/public_html/ in drupal_send_headers() (line 1551 of /mnt/home/visuafus/public_html/
  • Error: Call to undefined function mail() in DefaultMailSystem->mail() (line 79 of /mnt/home/visuafus/public_html/


The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.