Logging function to use in application package/adjustments/shimming scripts.
Usage Type:
Packaging Function
Script Source:
function Log-Action ($Message, $StampDateTime, $WriteHost) { ################################ # Function Version # Function by Sean Huggans ################################ # Function will log the provided message with a timestamp in real time to the configured Log File. # Notes: # - This function is intended for application package scripts, and relies on the $AppName variable to be defined at the start of your script to work. # Usage Examples: # - Log-Action -message "Success!" # - Log-Action -message "---------------------------------------------" -StampDateTime $false $LogFile = "install.log" $LogDir = "C:\Temp\$($AppName)" $LogPath = "$($LogDir)\$($LogFile)" New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $LogDir -Confirm:$false -Force | out-null if (($StampDateTime -eq $false) -or ($StampDateTime -eq "no")) { $Message | Out-File $LogPath -Append } else { "[ $(get-date -Format 'yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss') ] $($Message)" | Out-File $LogPath -Append } if ($WriteHost -eq $true) { Write-Host $Message } }
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