
  • 27 July 2019
  • Sean Huggans

This script is designed as a base to assist with setting up group policy printing in larger environments.

The following script will connect to the defined print servers, collect all shared printers, and create a group policy object called "Printers - " for each print server. It will also create an AD Group called "Printer - " for each printer, and then add each printer into the print server's GPO object, and add item level targeting to the "Printer - " AD group. The result is a set of policies you can link to your workstation OU, with resulting AD groups you can add computer objects to in order for printers to install via Group Policy Preference Printers.

Prior to running the script, you will need to create a GPO called "Printers - Template", with a single sample printer defined (it doesn't have to be a real printer share that exists, it will never be used anyway).

Usage Type: 
Script Source: 
# Build-PrintGPOsFromPrintServer.ps1
$ScriptVersion = ""
# Script Author: Sean Huggans
# Script Variables
# Edit the below to pertain to your environment
[string[]]$PrintServers = "PrintServer01","PrintServer02","PrintServer03"  #Set list of print servers
[string[]]$ExcludedPrinterNames = "Microsoft XPS Document Writer","KX DRIVER for Universal Printing","TIFF Printer" # Exclude any printer names you want to here
[string]$PrinterGroupsOU = "OU=Printer,OU=Groups,DC=Some,DC=Domain,DC=com" # Provide the Distinguished Name of the OU you want your printer groups created in (Must Exist)
# Do not touch variables below this line
[string]$LogonDomain = $(Get-ADDomain).NetBIOSName
[string]$PrinterHeaderXML = "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>
<Printers clsid=""{1F577D12-3D1B-471e-A1B7-060317597B9C}"">"
[string]$PortPrinterTemplateXML = "<PortPrinter clsid=""{C3A739D2-4A44-401e-9F9D-88E5E77DFB3E}"" name=""!PrinterName!"" status=""!PrinterName!"" image=""0"" bypassErrors=""1"" changed=""2019-07-26 04:05:56"" uid=""{!PrinterUID!}"">
		<Properties ipAddress=""!PrinterName!"" action=""C"" location="""" localName=""!PrinterName!"" comment=""!PrinterDescription!"" default=""0"" skipLocal=""0"" useDNS=""1"" useIPv6=""0"" path=""\\!PrintServerName!\!PrinterName!"" deleteAll=""0""/>
			<FilterGroup bool=""AND"" not=""0"" name=""$($LogonDomain)\PRINTER-!PrinterName!"" sid=""!PrinterGroupSID!"" userContext=""0"" primaryGroup=""0"" localGroup=""0""/>
[string]$PrinterFooterXML = "</Printers>"
# Replacement Patterns
[string]$ReplacePattern_PrinterName = "!PrinterName!"
[string]$ReplacePattern_PrinterServerName = "!PrintServerName!"
[string]$ReplacePattern_PrinterUID = "!PrinterUID!"
[string]$ReplacePattern_PrinterGroupSID = "!PrinterGroupSID!"
[string]$ReplacePattern_PrinterDescription = "!PrinterDescription!"
# Logging Variables
[string]$LogFile = "Build-PrintGPOsFromPrintServer.log"
[string]$LogDir = "C:\Temp"
[string]$LogPath = "$($LogDir)\$($LogFile)"
# Script Functions
function Log-Action ($Message, $StampDateTime, $WriteHost)
    # Function Version
    # Function by Sean Huggans
	New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $LogDir -Confirm:$false -Force | out-null
    if (($StampDateTime -eq $false) -or ($StampDateTime -eq "no")) {
        $Message | Out-File $LogPath -Append
    } else {
	    "[ $(get-date -Format 'yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss') ] $($Message)" | Out-File $LogPath -Append
    if ($WriteHost -eq $true) {
        Write-Host $Message
# Script Exectution Logic
# Import Active Directory PoSH Module
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
# Loop through each print server in the provided PrintServer list
foreach ($PrintServer in $PrintServers) {
    Log-Action -Message "=========================================================" -WriteHost $true
    Log-Action -Message $PrintServer -WriteHost $true
    Log-Action -Message "=========================================================" -WriteHost $true
    # Get GPO Object for printers shared on this serveror create it if it doesn't already exist
    Try {
        $GPOObject = Get-GPO -Name "Printers - $($PrintServer)" -ErrorAction Stop
        Log-Action -Message "Create Group Policy Object: Skipped, GPO exists" -WriteHost $true
    } catch {
        #$GPOObject = New-GPO -Name "Printers - $($PrintServer)"
        Copy-GPO -SourceName "Printers - Template" -TargetName "Printers - $($PrintServer)" | Out-Null
        $GPOObject = Get-GPO -Name "Printers - $($PrintServer)" -ErrorAction Stop
        Log-Action -Message "Create Group Policy Object: SUCCESS" -WriteHost $true
        $XMLPATH = "c:\Windows\SYSVOL\domain\Policies\{$($GPOObject.ID)}\Machine\Preferences\Printers\Printers.xml"
        if (!(test-path -Path "c:\Windows\SYSVOL\domain\Policies\{$($GPOObject.ID)}\Machine\Preferences\Printers" -PathType Container)) {
            New-Item -ItemType Directory "c:\Windows\SYSVOL\domain\Policies\{$($GPOObject.ID)}\Machine\Preferences\Printers" | Out-Null
        # Get an array object of all printers on the print server
    [array]$Printers = Get-Printer -ComputerName $PrintServer
    #Start building XML to output
    [string]$OutPutXML = $PrinterHeaderXML
    Write-Host $PrinterObjectLine
    # Loop through each printer in the returned array object
    Foreach ($Printer in $($Printers | where-object {(($ExcludedPrinterNames -notcontains $_.Name) -and ($_.Shared -eq $true))})) {
        Log-Action -Message "------------------" -WriteHost $true
        Log-Action -Message $Printer.Name -WriteHost $true
        Log-Action -Message "------------------" -WriteHost $true
        # Create AD Printer Group if it does not already exist
        [boolean]$GroupSuccess = $true
        Try {
            $PrinterGroup = Get-ADGroup -Identity "PRINTER-$($Printer.Name)" -ErrorAction Stop
            Set-ADGroup -Identity "PRINTER-$($Printer.Name)" -Description "Installs $($Printer.Location) printer ($($Printer.Name))"
            Log-Action -Message "Create Printer Group: Skipped, Group exists" -WriteHost $true
        } catch {
            Try {
                New-ADGroup -Name "PRINTER-$($Printer.Name)" -Path $PrinterGroupsOU -GroupScope Global -GroupCategory Security -Description "Installs $($Printer.Location) printer ($($Printer.Name))" -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
                $PrinterGroup = Get-ADGroup -Identity "PRINTER-$($Printer.Name)" -ErrorAction Stop
                Log-Action -Message "Create Printer Group: Success" -WriteHost $true
            } catch {
                Log-Action -Message "Create Printer Group: FAILED" -WriteHost $true
                [boolean]$GroupSuccess = $false
        # IF group creation was not set to false, continue
        if ($GroupSuccess -eq $true) {
            Try {
                $OutputXML += $PortPrinterTemplateXML.Replace($ReplacePattern_PrinterName, $Printer.Name).Replace($ReplacePattern_PrinterServerName, $PrintServer).Replace($ReplacePattern_PrinterUID, $([System.Guid]::NewGuid().toString())).Replace($ReplacePattern_PrinterGroupSID, $PrinterGroup.SID.ToString()).Replace($ReplacePattern_PrinterDescription, $Printer.Location)
                Log-Action -Message "Add Printer To GPO: Success" -WriteHost $true
            } catch {
                Log-Action -Message "Add Printer To GPO: FAILED" -WriteHost $true
    $OutPutXML += $PrinterFooterXML
    [xml]$NewXMLFile = $OutPutXML
Note: that all applications posted here are posted for use, both commercial and non-commercial, free of charge, and as such are provided as-is, without warranty of any kind whatsoever. visuaFUSION, FMSCUG or any other program listed here's author are not responsible for any damages or shortcomings that result from usage of any of these applications.
Error | visuaFUSION Systems Solutions Blog

Error message

  • Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /mnt/home/visuafus/public_html/ in drupal_send_headers() (line 1551 of /mnt/home/visuafus/public_html/
  • Error: Call to undefined function mail() in DefaultMailSystem->mail() (line 79 of /mnt/home/visuafus/public_html/


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