Function can be used to make SQL queries without installing SQL modules/SQL locally. I did not write this query, and I don't recall where I originally found it. I've used this a ton for several years, and I did add the encryption option to it at some point. Other than that I believe I left it pretty much as I found it.
Usage Type:
Script Source:
function Invoke-SQL { param ( [string]$dataSource, [string]$database, [string]$sqlCommand = $(throw "Please specify a query.") ) if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $dataSource -Count 2 -Quiet) { $connectionString = "Data Source=$dataSource; " + "Integrated Security=SSPI; " + "Encrypt=True;" + "TrustServerCertificate=True;" + "Initial Catalog=$database" $connection = new-object$connectionString) $command = new-object$sqlCommand, $connection) Try { $connection.Open() $adapter = New-Object System.Data.sqlclient.sqlDataAdapter $command $dataset = New-Object System.Data.DataSet $adapter.Fill($dataSet) | Out-Null $connection.Close() $Result = $dataSet.Tables } catch { $ErrorMessage = $PSItem.ToString() switch -Wildcard ($ErrorMessage) { "*Login failed for user*" { $ErrorParts = $ErrorMessage.split("`n") $UserName = $ErrorParts[1].Split("'")[1].Replace("'", "") $QueryError = "User ""$($UserName)"" failed to login to the database." } default { $QueryError = "Unhandled Error: $($ErrorMessage)" } } $Result = "Error: A query to database ""$($database)"" on host ""$($dataSource)"" failed." } } else { $Result = "Error: A query to the Database ""$($database)"" on host ""$($dataSource)"" was not attempted: $($dataSource) is unreachable." } return $Result }
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