Script will report BITS transfer statuses for the local or a remote host every 10 seconds.
Reminder: BITS has a limit of 50 jobs being queued at a time.
Usage Type:
Script Source:
################################################################################################# # Monitor-BITSTransferStatus.ps1 # Author: Sean Huggans # Version: ################################################################################################# $MachineName = "SomeNameHere" $MachineName = $env:Computername #Comment this line out to view BITS jobs on a remote host do { if ($MachineName.ToUpper() -ne $env:COMPUTERNAME.ToUpper()) { if (Test-Connection $MachineName -Count 1 -Quiet) { Try { $Results = Invoke-Command -computername $MachineName -ScriptBlock { $Results = New-object system.collections.arraylist [array]$DownloadJobs = $(Get-BitsTransfer -AllUsers) if ($DownloadJobs.count -gt 0) { foreach ($DownloadJob in $DownloadJobs) { $Results.Add("[$(Get-date -format 'HH:mm:ss')]$($DownloadJob.JobID) - $($DownloadJob.JobState) - $([math]::Round($($DownloadJob.BytesTransferred / 1MB),2))MB/$([math]::Round($($DownloadJob.BytesTotal / 1MB),2))MB ($([math]::Round($($DownloadJob.BytesTransferred / $DownloadJob.BytesTotal * 100),2))%)") | out-null } } else { $Results.Add("[$(Get-date -format 'HH:mm:ss')] No BITS transfers in progress.") | out-null } $Results.add("There are $($DownloadJobs.count) total BITS transfers queued.") | out-null return $Results } cls foreach ($Result in $Results) { Write-Host $Result } } catch { Write-Host "$($MachineName) error with PSRemoting." } } else { Write-Host "$($MachineName) is offline." } } else { [array]$DownloadJobs = $(Get-BitsTransfer -AllUsers) cls if ($DownloadJobs.count -gt 0) { foreach ($DownloadJob in $DownloadJobs) { Write-host "[$(Get-date -format 'HH:mm:ss')] $($DownloadJob.JobID) - $($DownloadJob.JobState) - $([math]::Round($($DownloadJob.BytesTransferred / 1MB),2))MB/$([math]::Round($($DownloadJob.BytesTotal / 1MB),2))MB ($([math]::Round($($DownloadJob.BytesTransferred / $DownloadJob.BytesTotal * 100),2))%)" } Write-host "There are $($DownloadJobs.count) total BITS transfers queued." } else { Write-host "[$(Get-date -format 'HH:mm:ss')] No BITS transfers in progress." } } Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 } until ($null)
Note: that all applications posted here are posted for use, both commercial and non-commercial, free of charge, and as such are provided as-is, without warranty of any kind whatsoever. visuaFUSION, FMSCUG or any other program listed here's author are not responsible for any damages or shortcomings that result from usage of any of these applications.