SMSTS Initialization Helper
I created this to a Run PowerShell Script step to resolve an issue where the client would just never initialize on its own. I noticed the effect only worked when adding it directly to the step (not as a package). I suspect this is because its already part of the TS policy that way, but really not sure. Anyways, the script is below. I set the following:
- PowerShell execution policy on the step to bypass
- Output to task sequence variable to a variable called "ConfigMgrClientStarted"
- Immediately after, I added a reboot computer step
This in combination with some replacement scripts Tim Knapp provided for the setupcomplete issue has so far allowed for successful in place upgrades each time.
Usage Type:
Script Source:
############################################## # SMSTSClientInitHelper.ps1 # Client not started fix # Author: Sean Huggans $Version = "" ############################################## [string]$CMSiteCode = "FOO" [string[]]$MPNames = "<Server>.FQDN.NET" [string]$LogFile = "SMSTSClientInitHelper.log" [string]$LogDir = "C:\Windows\CCM\Logs" ################################# # Script Functions ################################# function Log-Action ($Message, $StampDateTime, $WriteHost) { ################################ # Function Version # Function by Sean Huggans ################################ $LogPath = "$($LogDir)\$($LogFile)" New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $LogDir -Confirm:$false -Force | out-null if (($StampDateTime -eq $false) -or ($StampDateTime -eq "no")) { $Message | Out-File $LogPath -Append } else { "[ $(get-date -Format 'yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss') ] $($Message)" | Out-File $LogPath -Append } if ($WriteHost -eq $true) { Log-action -Message $Message } } ################################# # Script Execution Logic ################################# Log-action -Message "SMSTS Client Initialization Helper Script v$($Version) Started." Log-action -Message "Waiting 60 seconds prior to seeing if ConfigMgr client agent is operational..." Start-Sleep -Seconds 60 Log-action -Message "Checking to make sure ConfigMgr client agent is operational..." switch ($(Get-Service -Name CcmExec).Status) { "Running" { Log-action -Message "ConfigMgr client is running. Waiting an additional minute to give the client a chance to start up prior to allowing the task sequence to move on." # Output TS variable as True after one minute Start-Sleep -Seconds 60 return $true } default { Try { start-service -Name CcmExec -erroraction silentlycontinue Log-action -Message "ConfigMgr client not running, wating 90 seconds before checking again..." # Wait 1.5 minutes for client to start up Start-Sleep -Seconds 90 if ($($(Get-Service -Name CcmExec).Status) -ne "Running") { Log-action -Message "ConfigMgr client not running, wating 240 more seconds before checking again..." # Wait another 4 minutes for client to start up Start-Sleep -Seconds 240 if ($($(Get-Service -Name CcmExec).Status) -ne "Running") { Log-action -Message "ConfigMgr client not running, kicking off ccmsetup with configured settings..." if (test-path -path "$($env:SystemDrive)\Windows\ccmsetup\ccmsetup.exe") { # Get first online MP in the list [string]$FirstOnlineMP = $MPNames[0] foreach ($MPName in $MPNames) { if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $MPName -Count 2 -Quiet) { $FirstOnlineMP = $MPName Log-action -Message "$($MPName) is online, will be used for ccmsetup MP." } else { Log-action -Message "$($MPName) is not reachable, trying the next MP in the list (if provided)..." } } Log-action -Message "Kicking off CCMSetup.exe with the following arguments: ""SMSSITECODE=$($CMSiteCode), /MP:$($FirstOnlineMP)"" (MP May changed via boundary assignement once the client initializes)" # Run CCM setup, provide MP Name $Process = start-process -FilePath "$($env:SystemDrive)\Windows\ccmsetup\ccmsetup.exe" -argumentlist "SMSSITECODE=$($CMSiteCode) /MP:$($FirstOnlineMP)" -PassThru -wait -erroraction SilentlyContinue switch ($Process.ExitCode) { 0 { # Restart workstation, Output TS variable as True Log-action -Message "CCMSetup returned an exit code indicating a successfull installation. Waiting an additional 7 minutes for any client initialization to finish up..." # Wait another 7 minutes for client to install and become available Start-Sleep -Seconds 720 if ($($(Get-Service -Name CcmExec).Status) -ne "Running") { Log-action -Message "ConfigMgr client is still not running. Giving up (Failure Spot 3)." # Output TS variable as False return $false } else { # Output TS variable as True Log-action -Message "Returning success" return $true } } 7 { # Restart workstation, Output TS variable as True Log-action -Message "CCMSetup returned an exit code indicating a reboot is needed for the ConfigMgr client to initialize. A reboot has been scheduled for 15 seconds, the script is Returning success" Start-Process -FilePath shutdown -ArgumentList "/r /t 15" return $true } } } else { Log-action -Message "ConfigMgr client setup path does not exist to run a repair. Giving up (Failure Spot 2)." # Output TS variable as False, ccmsetup does not exist. return $false } } } else { Log-action -Message "ConfigMgr client is running. Waiting an additional minute to give the client a chance to start up prior to allowing the task sequence to move on." # Output TS variable as True after one minute Start-Sleep -Seconds 60 Log-action -Message "Returning success" return $true } } catch { Log-action -Message "Some failure occured attempting to wait for or remediate the ConfigMgr client during the task seqence. Giving up (Failure Spot 1)." # Output TS variable as False, ccmsetup does not exist. return $false } } }
Note: that all applications posted here are posted for use, both commercial and non-commercial, free of charge, and as such are provided as-is, without warranty of any kind whatsoever. visuaFUSION, FMSCUG or any other program listed here's author are not responsible for any damages or shortcomings that result from usage of any of these applications.