Function sets a registry value, creating the path if it does not exist, and modifying the value if it already exists as well.
Usage Type:
Packaging Function
Script Source:
function Set-RegistryValue ($ValuePath, $ValueName, $ValueData) { ########################################################### # Set-RegistryValue # Function by: Sean Huggans # Function Date: 2018.08.14 ########################################################### # Function will set a registry value, creating the key path if it does not already exist. # Usage Example: Set-RegistryValue -ValuePath "Software\Tests\Test 3" -ValueName "Test Value 4" -ValueData "Test Data REVISED 2" if (($ValuePath -ne "") -and ($ValueName -ne "") -and ($ValueData -ne "")) { $RegistryObject = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $env:COMPUTERNAME) $RegistryObject.CreateSubKey("$($ValuePath)") | Out-Null $RegistryKey = $RegistryObject.OpenSubKey("$($ValuePath)", $true) try { $RegistryKey.SetValue("$($ValueName)", "$($ValueData)", [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::String) | Out-Null Log-Action "Registry Add: $($ValuePath)\$($ValueName) ($($ValueData)): Success!" return $true } catch { Log-Action "Registry Add: $($ValuePath)\$($ValueName) ($($ValueData)): Error!" return $false } } else { Log-Action "Error: Set-RegistryValue was called with missing parameters!" return $false } }
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