Script generates a translated copy of the provided SRT file in the target language using Google Translate.
Usage Type:
Script Source:
param ($InputFile,$OutputLanguage,$TimeOffSetInMilliSeconds,$PerformAutoCorrections) ##################################################################### # Translate-SubtitlesFile.ps1 # Author(s): Sean Huggans, Alexandru Marin $Script:Version = "" ##################################################################### # EXAMPLE USAGE: # .\Translate-SubtitlesFile.ps1 -InputFile "C:\Temp\Harry Potter 6 -" -OutputLanguage "Nepali" -TimeOffSetInMilliSeconds "0" -PerformAutoCorrections $true ####################################################### ################################### # Script Variables ############################# $LanguageToTranslateTo = "Nepali" ################################### # Script Functions ############################# Function Translate-Text ($InputText, $OutputLanguage) { # Function logic provided by Alexandru Marin @ $TranslateToLanguage = "" switch -Wildcard ($OutputLanguage.ToLower()) { "*russia*" { $TranslateToLanguage = "RU" } "*dani*" { $TranslateToLanguage = "DE" } "*span*" { $TranslateToLanguage = "SP" } "*spain*" { $TranslateToLanguage = "SP" } "*nep*" { $TranslateToLanguage = "NE" } "*hin*" { $TranslateToLanguage = "HI" } default { $TranslateToLanguage = $OutputLanguage } } $Uri = “$($TranslateToLanguage)&dt=t&q=$($InputText)” $Response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri -Method Get $Translation = $Response[0].SyncRoot | foreach { $_[0] } return $Translation } ################################### # Script Execution Logic ############################# $CorrectionsMapSource = "$($PSScriptRoot)\CorrectionsMap.txt" if (($OutputLanguage) -and ($OutputLanguage -ne $null) -and ($OutputLanguage -ne "")) { if (Test-Path -Path $InputFile) { $CorrectedOutFileDir = $(Get-Item -Path $InputFile).DirectoryName $CorrectedOutFileName = "" # AutoCorrections based on items mapped in CorrectionsMap (default is enabled) if ((Test-Path -Path $CorrectionsMapSource) -and ($PerformAutoCorrections -ne $false)) { $CorrectedOutFileName = "$($(Get-Item -Path $InputFile).Name.Replace($(Get-Item -Path $InputFile).Extension,''))-corrected$($(Get-Item -Path $InputFile).Extension)" Write-Host "Performing AutoCorrections..." $CorrectedOutFileName = "$($(Get-Item -Path $InputFile).Name.Replace($(Get-Item -Path $InputFile).Extension,''))-corrected$($(Get-Item -Path $InputFile).Extension)" if (Test-Path -Path "$($OutFileDir)\$($OutFileName)") { Remove-Item -Path "$($OutFileDir)\$($OutFileName)" -Force -Confirm:$false } foreach ($InputLine in [array]$(Get-Content -Path $InputFile)) { if ($InputLine.Trim() -ne "") { foreach ($Correction in [array]$(Get-Content -Path $CorrectionsMapSource)) { if ($Correction.Trim() -ne "") { $CorrectionPattern = $Correction.Split("|")[0] $CorrectedPattern = $Correction.Split("|")[1] $InputLine = $InputLine.replace($CorrectionPattern, $CorrectedPattern) } } } $InputLine | Out-File -FilePath "$($CorrectedOutFileDir)\$($CorrectedOutFileName)" -Append -Force } } else { $CorrectedOutFileName = $(Get-Item -Path $InputFile).Name } Try { Write-Host "Performing Translations..." #Generate New file name based on the old $InputObject = Get-Item -Path "$($CorrectedOutFileDir)\$($CorrectedOutFileName)" $OutPutPath = "$($InputObject.FullName.Replace($InputObject.Extension,''))-AUTOTRANSLATED-$($OutputLanguage)$($InputObject.Extension)" if (Test-Path -Path $OutPutPath) { Remove-Item -Path $OutPutPath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } [array]$RawContentLines = Get-Content -Path $InputFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $CurrCount = 0 $CurrPercentage = $([math]::Round($($CurrCount / $RawContentLines.Count * 100), 2)) Write-Progress -Activity "Translating Subtitle File" -Status "Line $($CurrCount)/$($RawContentLines.count) ($($CurrPercentage)%)" -PercentComplete $CurrPercentage $PreviousLineType = $null $AddScriptCredits = $false $FirstST = $True foreach ($RawContentLine in $RawContentLines) { $CurrCount += 1 $CurrPercentage = $([math]::Round($($CurrCount / $RawContentLines.Count * 100), 2)) Write-Progress -Activity "Translating Subtitle File" -Status "Line $($CurrCount)/$($RawContentLines.count) ($($CurrPercentage)%)" -PercentComplete $CurrPercentage $OutputLine = "" if (($RawContentLine.Trim() -ne "") -and ($RawContentLine.Trim() -ne $null) -and ($RawContentLine.Trim())) { if ($RawContentLine.Trim() -match "^\d+$") { if ($PreviousLineType -ne "Timing") { $LineType = "Numbering" # Leave numbering lines untranslated if ($AddScriptCredits -eq $true) { [int]$NumberingLineNumber = $RawContentLine $NumberingLineNumber +=1 $OutputLine = $NumberingLineNumber } else { $OutputLine = $RawContentLine } } else { $LineType = "SubTitle" $OutputLine = Translate-Text -OutputLanguage $LanguageToTranslateTo -InputText $RawContentLine } } elseif ($RawContentLine.Trim() -like "*:*:*,* --> *:*:*,*") { # Leave timing lines $LineType = "Timing" $OutputLine = $RawContentLine if ($FirstST -eq $True) { $FirstST = $False if ($RawContentLine.Trim() -notlike "00:00:00*") { # Set flag to know to +1 each numbering line from now on $AddScriptCredits = $true Try { "00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:05,000" | Out-File -FilePath $OutPutPath -Append -Encoding utf8 -NoClobber -Force -ErrorAction Stop $SubtitleScriptCreditLine = "Translated to $($OutputLanguage) Automatically by Bahusafoo's Subtitle Translation Script version $($Script:Version)" $SubtitleScriptCreditLine | Out-File -FilePath $OutPutPath -Append -Encoding utf8 -NoClobber -Force -ErrorAction Stop "(" | Out-File -FilePath $OutPutPath -Append -Encoding utf8 -NoClobber -Force -ErrorAction Stop $(Translate-Text -OutputLanguage $LanguageToTranslateTo -InputText $SubtitleScriptCreditLine) | Out-File -FilePath $OutPutPath -Append -Encoding utf8 -NoClobber -Force -ErrorAction Stop "" | Out-File -FilePath $OutPutPath -Append -Encoding utf8 -NoClobber -Force -ErrorAction Stop "2" | Out-File -FilePath $OutPutPath -Append -Encoding utf8 -NoClobber -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Host "Error 0" } } } if (($TimeOffSetInMilliSeconds -ne $null) -and ($TimeOffSetInMilliSeconds -ne "")) { Try { $LineSplit = $RawContentLine.Trim().Split(" --> ") $StartTimingRaw = $LineSplit[0] [datetime]$StartTimingTime = $StartTimingRaw.Split(",")[0] $StartTimingMS = $StartTimingRaw.Split(",")[1] $EndTimingRaw = $LineSplit[$LineSplit.Length -1].Trim() [datetime]$EndTimingTime = $EndTimingRaw.Split(",")[0] $EndTimingMS = $EndTimingRaw.Split(",")[1] $StartTimingProcessed = "$(Get-Date -Date $StartTimingTime.AddMilliseconds($TimeOffSetInMilliSeconds) -Format 'HH:mm:ss'),$($StartTimingMS)" $EndingTimingProcessed = "$(Get-Date -Date $EndTimingTime.AddMilliseconds($TimeOffSetInMilliSeconds) -Format 'HH:mm:ss'),$($EndTimingMS)" $TimingLineProcessed = "$($StartTimingProcessed) --> $($EndingTimingProcessed)" $OutputLine = $TimingLineProcessed #Write-Host "Timing Adjusted from $($RawContentLine.Trim()) to $($TimingLineProcessed)" } catch { $OutputLine = $RawContentLine Write-Host "Error With Time Offset, ignoring!" } } } else { $LineType = "SubTitle" switch -Wildcard ($RawContentLine) { # Special Case handlers (Add as needed) "qqqqqqqqwwwedfdc3323423" { } default { # Translate the rest $OutputLine = Translate-Text -OutputLanguage $LanguageToTranslateTo -InputText $RawContentLine #Write-Host $RawContentLine } } } } else { # Leave blank lines in place $LineType = "Blank" $OutputLine = $RawContentLine } Try { $OutputLine | Out-File -FilePath $OutPutPath -Append -Encoding utf8 -NoClobber -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Host "Error 0" } $PreviousLineType = $LineType } } catch { return "Error reading contents of Input File." } } else { return "Input File not Found." } } else { return "Output Language was not supplied!" }
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